- As The Central Message of Jesus and The Early Church the Kingdom Must Be Our Message and Practice As 21st Century Believers. Would You Say [In Your Opinion], That the Church Is Close or Far from A Proper Understanding of The Kingdom?
- In The Scriptures the Preaching of The Kingdom Was Accompanied by Signs, Such as Healings, Exorcisms, Resurrections, And Other Forms of Physical and Spiritual Deliverance. Are We Seeing This in The Modern Church, especially in Rhema, And If No, Why Would You Say This Is? How Can We Restore the Power of The Kingdom with Signs of God’s Power in People’s Lives?
- The Kingdom of God Can Be Loosely Defined as Jesus Being Lord Over People, First in Their Hearts, And Then in Their World. What Does the Lordship of Jesus Over Society Look Like to You? Do you Believe That Jesus Should Be Lord Over Schools, Businesses, Entertainment, Industries, Governments, And Nations, Or Is He Only Lord Over Believers?
- The Kingdom When Practiced Targets Demonic Activities in Society and In People’s Lives Through Deception, Influence, and/or Possession. What Are Some Ways That We Can Defeat the Enemy and Ultimate Restore People and Places for God’s Glory?
- Social Transformation Is the End Game of Practicing the Kingdom, Resulting in The Earth Being Filled with The Glory of God. Do You Believe This Is Possible, And What Are Some of The Steps We Can Take That Will Propel Us into Such a Glorious Future?
Prayer: Father, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, In Earth As It Is In Heaven; And Let The Kingdoms Of This World Become The Kingdom Of Our God And His Christ, And He Shall Reign Forever, In Jesus Name, Amen.