- In today’s hectic and fast paced world, hearing God’s voice can be quite the challenge. At times our desires can also cloud our ability to hear Him clearly. Share with the group the things that you do to ensure that you’re hearing God’s voice clearly. How do you wait? Have you ever asked God for proof that He has spoken to you and has He provided the evidence? How do you remain calm, avoiding anxiety, in your pursuit of God’s voice?
- The Bible teaches that “God’s thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways,” [Isa. 55:8-9]. How then can we ever know Him? When it comes to serving a God who is past finding out, the starting point must be trust. Do you feel that you trust God when it comes to His direction for your life? Are you confident that He has planned and knows intimately your next steps? Do you trust that your future is secure with God, and that your life is heading in the right direction?
- We are often told to “Live In The Moment.” The Bible teaches a similar truth in calling us to be concerned with today and to “take no thought for tomorrow,” [Matt. 6:34]. This is never easy because life exists in three tenses: the past, the present, and the future, with each one vying for our attention. Have you ever been stuck by something in your past, and how did you get beyond this? Do you find that you have mastered the ability of living in the moment, and if so, how did you achieve this? Are you an avid planner for the future or do you simply wait to see what tomorrow will bring?