- In Genesis the Lord God introduces the idea of fatherly covering. After the fall of Adam and Eve, it was God who covered them with coats made from skins, [Gen. 3:21]. In this we see God being concerned with our safety. The body of Christ, or the church, is that spiritual community where all believers can find covering or safety. Share candidly with the group your definition of covering. From this definition, do you feel covered by your local church community? Do you feel a sense of safety within this community?
- In this life there is nothing better than being connected, whether with God or with people, connection is critical for success. Jesus teaches the importance of being connected to Him, the True Vine, and though this connection we are promised fruitfulness in all things, [John 15:5]. Would you say that you’re firmly attached to Him and does this attachment extend to your local church community? Do you feel that you’re being pastored and from this are you being fruitful in your life?
- Throughout the Scripture, God’s people have always been large in numbers however to effectively care for them the use of smaller groups was employed. Moses was instructed of this in the wilderness when faced with the task of caring for over one million Israelites, [Ex. 18]. The early church did the same after thousands came to faith by gathering in houses for intimacy, discipleship, and fellowship, [Acts 2:41-47]. In so doing the needs of all were met and all were cared for. At Rhema, we desire to bring to life the same strategy, ensuring that everyone in our community is connected, heard, and cared for. Would you be willing to assist us in making these small groups a must for all members of our ministry? Would you be willing to share your experiences in the small groups with others to secure buy in from all?