in Sermon Notes

MATTHEW 6:10; 33
- Preaching The Kingdom:
- Key: Preaching Jesus & His Kingdom Is The Only Message Of The Church.
- Kingdom Began in Genesis with Adam, [Gen. 1:28].
- Kingdom Was the Message of Jesus, [Luke 4:43]. Matt. 10:7; Acts 28:30-31
- Kingdom Is Jesus Ruling Hearts Thru His Spirit, (Luke 17:21]. Col. 1:27
- Kingdom & God’s Will Are Synonymous, [Matt. 6:10].
- Kingdom Participation Requires New Birth, [John 3:3,5].
- Practicing The Kingdom:
- Key: Practicing Kingdom Is The Only Work Of The Church.
- Kingdom Practice Requires Counter-Cultural Thinking, [Matt. 4:17]. Phil. 2:5
- Kingdom Practice Made Possible by The Spirit’s Power, [Luke 4:14]. Zech. 4:6
- Kingdom Practice Requires Being Spirit-Filled, (Acts 1:8]. Luke 4:18
- Kingdom Practice Targets Demonic Enclaves & Strongholds, [Luke 11:20].
- Kingdom Practice Leads to People-Deliverance! [Matt. 10:7-8]. 9:35-39
- Kingdom Practice’s Goal Is Social Transformation, [Matt. 5:13]. Acts 17:6
- Kingdom Practice Ends in God’s Glory Covering The Earth, [Hab. 2:14].
- Kingdom Practice Consumes All Kingdoms, [Rev. 11:15]. Dan. 2:44
Prayer Of Action: Father, Let Your Glory Cover The Earth, [Isa. 11:9].