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Wed. March 27 – Fri. March 29
Focus: The Next Step Of God. 


From the dawn of creation God has been moving and creating by His Spirit, (Gen. 1:2). Throughout history the Spirit of God continued to move among His people ensuring them great victory against all opposition, (2 Sam. 5:24). Today we believe that God is still moving, in fact heading toward the culmination of human history in one final and glorious expression of Himself throughout the whole world, (Hab. 2:14). As believers we must earnestly seek to be in step with God and for this reason, we will devote three days to prayer and fasting to be rightly positioned for The Next Step of God 

Day 1: Wed. Mar. 27 – A Day Of Repentance & Cleansing, (2 Cor. 7:1) 

  • An inward focus on ourselves ensuring that we’ve turned from any sin in our lives. 
  • A time of purifying ourselves from any behavioural practises that displease God. 
  • A time of renewing our mindsets and thoughts away from the old and into the new. 
  • Asking for forgiveness in areas where we may have fallen short of God’s glory. 
  • Evening Prayer & Fellowship In Virtual Homes Groups, (7:00pm – 8:30pm). 

Day 2: Thurs. Mar. 28 – Seeking God’s Next Step In My Life, (Ps. 37:23) 

  • A day of seeking God for the doors that He is opening in my life. 
  • A day of seeking God to discern present opportunities set before me. 
  • A day of seeking God for healthy relationships as I prepare for the next step. 
  • Asking for the personal faith required to take the next step with God 
  • Evening Prayer & Fellowship In Virtual Homes Groups, (7:00pm – 8:30pm). 

Day 3: Fri. Mar. 29 – Seeking God’s Next Step For Rhema, (Isa. 43:19) 

  • A day of seeking God for the resources needed for the ministry to take the next step. 
  • A day of seeking God for proper people placement throughout the ministry. 
  • A day of seeking God for collective unity around the ministry’s vision and purpose. 
  • Asking for the collective faith required for the ministry to take the next step with God. 
  • Evening Prayer & Fellowship In Virtual Homes Groups, (7:00pm – 8:30pm).