in Sermon Notes
- 3 Truths About Scripture:
- Indestructible: Scripture Is Whole and Cannot Be Broken, [John 10:35].
- Inspired: Scripture Is God-Breathed, [2 Tim. 3:16-17].
- Infallible: Scripture Is Without Error, [Num. 23:19].
- Key: Scripture Is God’s Mind And Can Be Trusted! [Isa. 55:11].
- Jesus In Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy: [Our Sacrifice-Guide-2nd Chance]
- Jesus As Our ONCE-FOR-ALL SACRIFICE, [Lev. 1:3 & Heb. 10:12-18].
- Jesus As Our FIRST FRUITS, [Lev. 23:10 & 1 Cor. 15:20, 23].
- Jesus As Our EVERLASTING GUIDE, [Num. 9:17 & Matt. 28:20].
- Jesus As Our BRAZEN SIN-BEARER, [Num. 21:8-9 & 2 Cor. 5:21].
- Jesus As Our KING, [Deut. 17:14-15 & Rev. 19:16].
- Jesus As Our PROPHET, [Deut. 18:15 & Heb. 1:1-2].
- Jesus As Our 2ND CHANCE, [Deut. 1:35, 39 & 1 Cor. 15:22].
Prayer Of Action: Father, Thank You For Jesus Our 2nd Chance! [Rom. 5:21]